Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

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Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

Post by JRibeiro »

From a tiny office on Madison Avenue in the early 1960s, a struggling company named "Marvel Comics" introduced a series of bright-costumed superhero characters distinguished by smart banter and compellingly human flaws. "Spider-Man", "The Fantastic Four", "Captain America", "The Incredible Hulk"," The Avengers", "Iron Man", "Thor"," The X-Men", "Daredevil" - these superheroes quickly won children's hearts and sparked the imagination of pop artists, public intellectuals, and campus radicals. Over the course of half a century, Marvel's epic universe would become the most elaborate fictional narrative in history and serve as a modern American mythology for millions of readers. Interweaving history, anecdotes, and analysis, Sean Howe traces Marvel's decades - long rise to a multi-billion-dollar enterprise, revealing how it weathered "Wall Street" machinations, Hollywood failures, legal battles, and the collapse of the comic book market. He shows how Marvel's identity has continually shifted, careening between scrappy underdog and corporate behemoth. He also introduces the men behind the magic, including self-made publisher Martin Goodman, energetic editor Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby, the WWII veteran and co-creator of many of the company's marquee characters. A story of fertile imaginations, lifelong friendships, action-packed fistfights, reformed criminals, unlikely alliances, and third-act betrayals that incorporates more than one hundred original interviews with Marvel insiders then and now, "Marvel Comics: The Untold Story" is a gripping narrative of one of the most dominant pop cultural forces in contemporary America.
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Re: Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

Post by JRibeiro »

Este livro é um must para os fãs da BD em geral e Marvel em particular. Conta a história da Marvel desde o seu início de uma forma elaborada, completa e sem panos quentes. Tenho isto em formato .epub, quem gosta de BD têm que ler isto.
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Re: Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

Post by JRibeiro »

Estou a meio do livro e estou a gostar bastante, ficámos a conhecer a forma como artistas como Steve Ditko, Bill Mantlo, Frank Miller, Chris Claremont ou John Byrne vieram parar à Marvel. Além disso, esses mesmos artistas são retratados de forma extensa e a carreira deles na Marvel é descrita ao detalhe. Fica-se a saber pormenores muito engraçados, como por exemplo o facto do Steve Ditko ser quase anti-social e um discípulo da Ayn Rand, ou que o Chris Clarmont e o John Byrne discutiam intensamente a respeito de quase todos os números de X-Men, o estilo mais activo do Byrne embatia no estilo mais expositivo do Claremont. Ou que a decisão de matar a Fênix Negra foi do editor Jim Shooter, que o Jim Starlin usava LCD e cogumelos para escrever as histórias de Warlock e do Capitão Marvel. etc etc.
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Re: Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

Post by Musicslave »

parece interessante..
tenho que ler.. mas devem ser muitas paginas e o tempo não estica
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Re: Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

Post by JRibeiro »

No telemóvel são 3500 páginas, o que deve dar umas 250/300 páginas em papel. Aconselho em formato .epub
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Re: Marvel Comics - The Untold Story - Sean Howe

Post by tocoelho »

Jim Starlin, LCD, :twisted:
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