Supergod - Warren Ellis

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Joined: November 5th, 2008, 7:58 pm

Supergod - Warren Ellis

Post by JRibeiro »

Supergod is the story of what an actual
superhuman arms race might be like. It’s a
simple thing to imagine. Humans have been
fashioning their own gods with their own hands
since the dawn of our time on Earth. We can’t
help ourselves. Fertility figures brazen idols,
vast chalk etchings, carvings, myths and
legends, science fiction writers generating
science fiction religions from whole cloth. It’s
not such a great leap to conceive of the
builders of nuclear weapons and particle
accelerators turning their attention to the
oldest of human pursuits. Dress it up as
superhuman defense, as discovering the limits
of the human body, as transhumanism and
‎"You're not your Facebook status. You're not how many friends you have. You're not the smart phone you own. You're not the apps of your phone. You're not your fucking iPad. You're the all-planking, e-consuming crap of the world."
Posts: 2206
Joined: November 5th, 2008, 7:58 pm

Re: Supergod - Warren Ellis

Post by JRibeiro »

Li ontem esta BD e adorei, não lia uma graphic novel tão boa desde que li Watchmen, sendo que esta não fica atrás. Os temas da religião e de como diferentes seriam os super-humanos dos humanos normais são tratados de forma profunda. Além disso a forma como os diferentes países perseguiram os seus projectos para a criação dos super-humanos numa verdadeira corrida ao armamento foi uma coisa que gostei bastante na história, outro aspecto que gostei foi o facto de haver apenas um superser por país, sendo que eram todos diferentes entre si. Uma grande obra de bd de um dos melhores autores da actualidade.
‎"You're not your Facebook status. You're not how many friends you have. You're not the smart phone you own. You're not the apps of your phone. You're not your fucking iPad. You're the all-planking, e-consuming crap of the world."
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